
Accounting Consultant:

Sound financial practices are necessary for the success of a lodge. It is especially important to provide correction information to your Board of Directors, Members and Audit Committee. As your District Accounting Consultant, I am available to assist you with your questions and concerns. I also have various resources to provide additional essential information. I am a retired AVP and Branch Manager from Bank of America where I have an extensive background in money management and banking.

Lesley Dale - Chair


Americanism is defined as devotion or loyalty to the United States of America. It means that we believe in the Pledge of Allegiance, and that we stand tall with our hands on our hearts or in a military salute when the National Anthem is played. And of course, it requires that we honor our veterans, and pay tribute to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
True Elks are true Americans. They not only believe in these principles, but they consistently put them in to practice, and they teach their children and grandchildren to follow these principles as well.
This is precisely why the patriotic programs of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks are so important, so that as a group, we can remain constant reminders of the gifts that America has given us.
Below is a PDF of the Grand Lodge Americanism Manual. It offers a broad range of suggested Americanism activities, including several that may offer new ways to expand the Americanism activities in your Lodge

Grand Lodge Americanism Manual Click Here
Americanism Report Click Here

Jack Cummings PER - Chair

Bequest & Living Trusts

The creation of the BLT Legacy Giving (BLT) Committee in 1984 set the stage for ensuring the financial future of the Major Project. Amounts under $500 go directly to help underwrite Major Project expenses for the year in which they are given. The establishment of the BLT Legacy Giving Fund in 1991 designated gifts of $500 or more to be placed in a special account.
BLT gives all Elks an opportunity to participate in the Major Project through a living trust fund. There are also other options available through the BLT Committee.

Michael Hanson PER - Chair

Business Practices

Good Business Practices is an integral part of every successful lodge. From fundraising that keeps the lodge financially solvent, to our very successful charitable donations--good business practices are the cornerstone. It allows lodges to not only stay solvent, but to thrive and contribute to our membership and our communities.
An annual and timely budget, monthly meetings, and quarterly fiscal reviews provide invaluable information to guide the lodge management in their decision making. I worked for the State of California for over 30 years. I worked as a Budget Analyst, Business Manager, Associate Warden of Business Services, and higher levels of management. Fiscally sound decisions are absolutely critical in the successful management of any operation.
I look forward to reviewing existing business practices within our lodges and sharing best practices.

Regina Stephens, PER - Chair


The CLMS Committee is tasked with providing training and support in the use of the CLMS program. All information received from Grand Lodge concerning the CLMS program will be provided as received.
Follow these links for informational CLMS2 Videos. See all 29 articles Grand Lodge also offers assistance at the CLMS Helpdesk, which can be contacted at. or 888-604-2567.

Bob Brotherton PDD - Chair

Community Investiment

John F. Malley founded the Elks National Foundation in 1928, he envisioned that it would "unite the forces of the Order into a mighty army for the service of mankind." The Community Investments Program is that army.
Since the Community Investments Program began in 2005, we've funded more than 27,000 grants to help Lodges build stronger communities. Elks use grants to combat food insecurity, support people experiencing homelessness, serve veterans and military members in need, and to promote youth community service.

Hartley Hermensen PDD - Chair

Drug Awareness

This committee is responsible for promoting Grand Lodge and CHEA drug awareness programs at the district level. Grand Lodge provides pamphlets, comic books, and other materials to the lodges for distribution to children, parents, and schools. These help educate the children and parents about the dangers of drugs. Grand Lodge and CHEA also conduct drug awareness poster and essay contests for elementary and middle school students with awards are given to the winners. The lodges are encouraged to participate in promoting these programs. Information on the contests, literature, and reports is found on the website at: Chea Elks

Elisa Ungerman PER - Chair


"To all North Central District golfers, get your "sticks" ready. Participate in Golf Tournaments sponsored by our different Lodges; fundraisers or just-for-fun games. Almost every Lodge has golfers, if not a specific golf club. How about inviting the other Lodges to play with you in your scheduled events? This will bring our District closer together, meet new golf buddies, and make your golf events more competitive and fun. If you have a Golf Chairman in your Lodge, please have he or she contact me. Also, if you are planning a golf event, let me know so we can help you spread the word.
Hit 'em LONG and Hit 'em STRAIGHT.
Hope to see you on the course!!!"

Jim Warrick PDD - Chair

Government Relations

The Government Relations Committee shall develop a well-organized "grass roots" network of informed members throughout California and Hawaii who will be responsive to calls for assistance in combating all matters adverse to the Order of Elks on a national, state or local level. Personal relationships with government officials and legislators are to be encouraged and developed wherever possible. Government Relations Manual

Vera Lambert - Chair

Hoop Shoot

For nearly fifty years The Hoop Shoot has been developing gritty kids.
The Elks Hoop Shoot is a free throw program for youth ages 8-13. The Elks Hoop Shoot Free Throw Contest is designed to help participants develop skills like hand eye coordination, comradery with not only sibling's friends and classmates, and believe it or not helps with mathematics, in calculating speed of shoot with angle of rebound off the backboard and the most important aspect of all Sportsmanship.
With novel Coronavirus continuing to impact our communities, the health and safety of programs participants and dedicated volunteers is our top priority.
Information for upcoming Contests will be distributed when available.

Barbara Docktor - Chair

Housing Coordinator

During the course of a "normal" Lodge Year, a North Central District Member has a minimum of four opportunities to travel outside the District to attend Elk's Events. When the member needs housing to attend such an event, the NCD Housing Coordinator may be able to assist in making necessary arrangements.

Dave Wyrsch PER - Chairman

Information Technologies

The most basic information technology definition is that it's the application of technology to solve business or organizational problems on a broad scale.
My hope as the District Information Technologies Committee Chairman is to continue supporting our District web site so it becomes a go-to site where we can find out what is going on in the District and at our Lodges.

Bob Brotherton PDD - Chair

Insurance & Safety

The Insurance and Safety Committee shall preserve and protect the property, assets, and members of our Subordinate Lodges. The Committee participates in four insurance programs; property plus, liability, workers compensation and directors and officer's coverage. The Committee monitors the accidents and lawsuits against the Lodges, their Officers and members, and assists with safety issues. I am available to assist the Lodges with questions of insurance, claims and safety.
CALIFORNIA WORKERS COMPENSATION ? Every Lodge should carry Directors and Officers Insurance, which protects line officers, Secretary, Treasurer, Trustees, and volunteers acting on behalf of the Lodge. It is cheap. ? Any questions, contact your District Insurance and Safety Chairman or the Association Chairman. GRAND LODGE SAFETY REPORTS The self-inspection reports should be timely and accurately performed to make the Lodge aware of dangerous conditions and to make immediate corrections. This report is in the Grand Lodge Accident Claim Prevention Manual.

Dale Spark PER - Chair

Lodge Activities

The Lodge Activities Committee Chairman is an important part of any Lodge's leadership team. Lodge Activities includes almost everything the Lodge does. Without exception, they are important to the success of every Lodge. Lodge activities can be classified as follows: 1. Mandatory 2. Prescribed 3. Non-prescribed or local activities Further definition of each of the above activities can be found in the Lodge Activities Manual which can be found on the Grand Lodge website ( In addition to working closely with other Lodge Chairman, the Lodge Activities Chairman is responsible for reporting the events and activities of the lodge, including the number of participants and mileage for every lodge activity. Reports are due to the NCD Lodge Activity Chairman on the following dates for the preceding quarter:
July 5th
October 5th
January 5th
April 5th

Sharon Miller - Chair

Officer Training

Congratulations Lodge Officers of the North Central District. Although the level of experiences may vary among officers, reacquainting each officer individually and all officers collectively with good practices and knowledge in Lodge administration will serve to reach a common sense of purpose and understanding. As District Chairman of Officer Training, I urge each officer to visit the website frequently. The web-site provides a wealth of information of everything Elks-related. To start, simply navigate within the web-page to the “Grand Lodge Training Courses”. Under the “Course List”, please find the Local Lodge Officer Training Course which provides sufficient information and guidance to flatten your learning curve, facilitate implementation of your new duties and add a positive element to your experience.
As officers, you should be operating as a synergistic team, each fully understanding his/her role and how each role effectively integrates with the others. Every officer brings a particular skill set to the team and the collective set of skills should be assessed and distributed as effectively to meet the administrative needs of the Lodge. As such, the team should be involved in committee oversight, understand Lodge By-Laws, assist in regular budget reviews and engage in regular planning for continuous improvement. I extend my best wishes for your continued success.

Conrad DeCastro - Chair

Gary McCoy PER - Officer Training/Protocol Member


The Membership Committee shall investigate and recommend ways and means of increasing membership in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks within the states of California and Hawaii.
For more information and to download the Grand Lodge Membership Program Manual

Membership Development Program Click Here
Membership Recruitment Program Click Here
Membership Retention Program Click Here
Elks Second Step Program: Click Here
Member Lapsation Manual : Click Here
Lapsation Quick Start Guide: Click Here
Download Elks Exit Interview: Click Here

Jim Warrick PDD - Chair

Elks National Foundation

The mission of the Elks National Foundation is to help Elks build stronger communities. We fulfill this pledge by investing in communities where Elks live and work. We provide tomorrow's leaders, our youth, with a healthy beginning; honor the Elks pledge to never forget our veterans; help the state Elks associations accomplish their charitable objectives and fund projects that improve the quality of life in local Elks communities.
Like all Elks, the Foundation values the belief that charity is the greatest of all virtues and that by sharing and giving we have the power to replace sorrow and despair with hope and confidence. Donations to the Foundation help us fund programs that match our cornerstone values of knowledge, integrity and community.
For further information or help on furthering your participation in our Elks National Foundation program, please contact me at the above e-mail address or telephone number.
Lodge ENF Chairs are required to register on line to have access to ENF reference material and Lodge reports. To do this you must first have a username and password to the Grand Lodge web site. Once you have gained access to the site go to Click Here to Login

Steve Dale PAVP - Chair

Major Project (Piggy Bank)

The organization is called the California Hawaii Elks Major Project link below. This unique program funds 32 paid therapists and preschool vision screeners, hired by CHEMPI, to help disabled children when no other organizations can or will. These CHEMPI professional therapists and preschool vision screeners travel, sometimes great distances, to help children get care they need.
More information on the is available at Purple Pig link below.
Instructions on how your Lodge can request a therapist or Preschool Vision Screener to visit your Lodge.

Piggy Bank Report Click Here
Leading Knight Challenge Click Here

Do not forget to plan fun events for the Leading Knight Challenge! The monthly report can be found here. If you have members who would like to be a monthly donor please share the following information. Want to be a Recurring Monthly Donor, see the hyperlink below for more information?

Recurring Donations Click Here

Heather Sherk - Chair

Public Relations

Public Relations, simply put, is managing the spread of information between an organization and the public. In order for it to succeed, the information needs to be both interesting and entertaining for the readers. Remember that whatever story is submitted, there are hundreds of others submitted at the same time. What makes this one different? Is it fun, entertaining, beneficial to the readers? Develop several creative ways to communicate the story. One will strike the right balance and be the winner.
These days 90% of journalists and reporters get their stories off the Internet. Do not underestimate the importance of an up-to-date website with easy access to information. At the same time, make use of the hundreds of websites available to post stories. Showcase your information elsewhere! And most importantly, take advantage of the opportunities presented to you. Work with your lodge Community Activities Chair to find the next story. And, no matter what happens, keep trying!
You can download a copy of the Grand Lodge Public Relations Handbook for Lodge Chairs from the Elks website. In addition, you can find the information about all of the contests available. Go to the CHEA website and find the information on state contests.
And, of course, keep those reports coming. They are due the 5th of each month. I will accept any form you care to send --- U.S. mail, email, or pony express. I'm looking forward to working with you!


Majorie Samaniego - Chair

Ritual Contest

The Ritual Contest Committee will formulate regulations consistent with Grand Lodge Rules for the conduct and supervision of the ritualistic contest between the Subordinate Lodges in the North Central District.

Participation Special Citation

Charles Wood - Chair

Ritual Training

As Ritual Training Chairman for the North Central District I am charged with setting up training clinics in accordance with the programs of the Grand Lodge and as provided in the Grand Lodge Ritualistic Manual, training officers, coaches, ritual judges, word judges, and calculators for the perfection of ritualistic work in the states of California and Hawaii.

Jeffie Moffet - Chair


The SCHOLARSHIP Committee shall coordinate the program within the North Central District, to conduct scholarship contests, and to award scholarships to worthy students.
Most Valuable Student Poster Click Here
Vocational Grant Poster Click Here

Mike Reid PER - Chair


The SCOUTING Committee shall work with national, state and local officials, and with this Association, to promote the work of the Boy and Girl Scouts of America.
Do you have a Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venture Scout, Sea Scout or Girl Scout that has earned their highest award? Please download the appropriate certificate from your CHEA President to show the support from the California-Hawaii Elks Association for their tremendous accomplishment.
With a strong emphasis placed on our Scouting program as part of the Youth Activities Elks believe that Scouting serves to provide guidance for today's youth in leadership as well as self-confidence, communication and community awareness.
The united efforts have been successful in illustrating Elks' concern for youth as a Lodge often provides leadership, a meeting place, and program supervision for one or more Scout units.

Owen Meredith - Chair

Veterans' Service

The National Veterans' Service Committee shall formulate and carry out programs of aid to disabled or needy veterans of the military service of the United States of America, and to formulate and carry out programs for aid and service to members of the military forces of the United States of America. Elks pledge "So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them.

"For more information please visit:

John Vertido PER Chair

Youth Activities

As we all know, the future of our country is our young people. Elks are always working to find ways to provide our youth with opportunities to grow into productive American citizens.
Some of the programs that our lodges use are the Americanism Essay Contest, Dictionary Project, Drug Awareness, Hoop Shoot, Scholarships Program, and Scouting. More information on these programs can be found on the CHEA and Grand Lodge websites. The Lodge Youth Activity Chair is required to submit quarterly reports to District Chair.

Jim McCloskey PDD - Chair

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